Listing are chronological
- Woodward, P.M., Probability and Information Theory, With Applications to Radar, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. (1955).
Fundamentals of resolution theory and ambiguity functions, including linear-FM pulse. - Cook, C.E., "Modification of Pulse-Compression Waveforms," Proc. NEC 14, 1958, pp 1058-67.
Basic paper on linear FM pulse compression technique. - Cook, C.E., "Pulse Compression-Key to More Efficient Radar Transmission," Proc IRE 48, No 3, Mar. 60, pp 310-316.
Basic paper on linear-FM pulse compression technique. Reprint Paper No. 1 in Source. - Westerfield, E.C., Prager, R.H. and Stewart, J.L. "Processing Gains Against Reverberation (Clutter) Using Matched Filters," IRE Trans IT-6, No 3, Jun 1960, pp 342-349.
Use of Woodward ambiguity function to calculate signal-to-clutter ratio in radar and sonar systems. - Klauder, J.R. et. al., "The Theory and Design of Chirp Radars," BSTJ 39, No 4, Jul 1960, pp 745-808.
Basic paper on linear-FM pulse compression theory, sidelobe reduction, and error effects. Reprint Paper No. 2 in Source. - Klauder, J.R., "The Design of Radar Signals Having Both High Range Resolution and High Velocity Resolution," BSTJ 39, No 4, Jul 1960, pp 809-820.
Derivation of waveform having circularly symmetric ambiguity function. Required amplitude modulation precludes efficient transmission. - Key, F.L., Fowle, E.N. and Haggarty, R.D., "A Method of Designing Signals of Large Time-Bandwidth Product," IRE Conv Record, 1961, Pt. 4, pp 146-154.
Design of signals for which envelope shape and autocorrelation function are separately specified. - Ramp, H.O. and Wingrove, E.R., "Principles of Pulse Compression," IRE Trans M/L-5, No 2, Apr 1961, pp 109-116.
Basic paper on linear-FM pulse compression principles and applications. Reprint Paper No. 3 in Source. - Cook, C.E., "General Matched-Filter Analysis of Linear FM Pulse Compression," Proc IRE 49, No 4, Apr 1961, p 831.
Considers effect of Doppler shift on output waveform of filter matched to linear-FM signal, including bandwidth restriction. - DiFranco, J., "Closed-Form Solution for the Output of a Finite-Bandwidth Pulse-Compression Filter," Proc IRE 49, No 6, Jun 1961, pp 1086-87.
Evaluation of integrals leading to output waveform in band limited cases. - DiFranco, J.V. and Rubin, W.L., "An Interpretation of 'Paired Echo Theory' for Time-Domain Distortion in Pulsed Systems and an Extension to the Radar 'Uncertainty Function'," Proc IRE 49, No 9, Sep 1961, pp 1432-1433.
Description of spurious outputs caused by frequency-domain and time-domain distortions. - Reed, J., "Long-Line Effect in Pulse Compression Radar," Microwave Journal 4, No 9, Sep 1961, pp 99-100.
Effect of transmission line mismatch on phase-vs-frequency response of radar system. Reprint Paper No. 4 in Source. - Ramp, H.О. and Wingrove, E.R., "Performance Degradation of Linear FM Pulse Compression," Proc IRE 49, No 11, Nov 1961, p 1693.
Analysis of output waveform of Doppler shifted signal, including second-order Doppler terms which can be important for large time-bandwidth product. - Cook, C.E., "Effects of Phase-Modulation Errors on Radar Pulse Compression Signals," IRE Conv Record, 1962, Pt 4, pp 174-184.
Analysis and experimental data on effect on sinusoidal phase errors on output waveform. - Thor, R.C., "A Large Time-Bandwidth Product Pulse Compression Technique," IRE Trans MIL-6, No 2, Apr 1962, pp 169-173.
Use of logarithmic, rather than linear, frequency modulation is shown to permit use of greater time-bandwidth products on targets with large radial velocity. Reprint Paper No. 5 in Source. - DiFranco, J.V. and Rubin, W.L., "Analysis of Signal Processing Distortion in Radar Systems," IRE Trans MIL-6, No 2, Apr 1962, pp 219-227.
Describes effects of phase and amplitude distortion on ambiguity function shape and sidelobe levels. - Cook, C.E. and Heiss, W.H., "Linear FM Pulse Compression Doppler Distortion Effects," Proc IRE 50, No 6, Jun 1962, pp 1535-1536.
Further discussion of dispersive Doppler effect and different viewpoints of Cook (1961) and Ramp and Wingrove (1961). - Fryberger, D., "On the Use of Pulse Compression for the Enhancement of Radar Echoes from Diffuse Targets," Proc IRE 50, No 9, Sep 1962, pp 1993-1994.
Compares effect of pulse compression on SNR and resolution for diffuse and discrete targets. - Rubin, W.L. and DiFranco, J.V., "The Effects of Doppler Dispersion on Matched Filter Performance," Proc IRE 50, No 10, Oct 1962, pp 2127-2128.
Expressions are derived for the difference between simple frequency shift and Doppler shift with dispersion, and it is shown that this difference is negligible for time-bandwidth products less than 1000. - Fowle, E.N. el. al., "A Pulse Compression System Employing a Linear FM Gaussian Signal." Proc IEEE 51, No 2, Feb 1963, pp 304-312.
Design and equipment considerations for low-sidelobe pulse compression systems using approximations to Gaussian weighting. - Cook, C.E., "Pulse-Compression Paired-Echo Experiments," Proc IEEE 51, No 2, Feb 63, pp 383-384.
Experimental verification of paired-echo response caused by sinusoidal phase errors in pulse compression signal. - Temes, C.L. et. al. "Pulse Compression System for a Down-Range Tracker," IEEE Conv Rec 1963, Pt 8, pp 71-81.
Description of 4 MHz 2 ms pulse compression waveform for 425 MHz instrumentation radar. - Cook, C.E., "Transmitter Phase Modulation and Pulse Compression Waveform Distortion," Microwave Journal 6, No 5, May 1963, pp 63-69.
Analysis of paired-echo effect of sinusoidal phase error, and sidelobe increase caused by localized phase error in chirp signal. Reprint Paper No. 6 in Source. - Minis, W.B., "The Detection of Chirped Radar Signals by Means of Electron Spin Echoes," Proc IEEE 51, No 8, Aug 1963, pp 1127-1134.
Theory and experimental results using compression filter based on paramagnetic resonance line at 6.7 GHz. - Bernfeld, M., "Pulse Compression Techniques," Proc IEEE 51, No 9, Sep 63, p 1261.
Comparison of systems using series and parallel dispersive elements to generate large time-bandwidth products. - Lurin, E.S., "Digital Pulse Compression Using Polyphase Codes," Proc IEEE 51, No 9, Sep 63, pp 1262-1263.
Implementation and ambiguity function of digital equivalent of linear and triangular-FM pulse compression. - Fowle, F.N., "The Design of FM Pulse Compression Signals," IEEE Trans IT-10, No 1, Jan 1964, pp 61-67.
Discusses design of waveform having arbitrary transmitted envelope, to produce given autocorrelation function. - Cook, C.E. and Paolillo, J., "A Pulse Compression Predistortion Function for Efficient Sidelobe Reduction in a High-Power Radar," Proc IEEE 52, No 4, Apr 1964, pp 377-89.
Describes use of increased sweep rate on leading and trailing edges of pulse to reduce paired-echo sidelobes. - Cook, C.E., "A Class of Nonlinear FM Pulse Compression Signals," Proc IEEE 52, No 11, Nov 1964, pp 1369-1371.
Analysis of nonlinear chirp to achieve sidelobe reduction, showing sensitivity to Doppler shift. - Bernfeld, M. et. al., "Matched Filtering, Pulse Compression and Waveform Design," Microwave Journal, Oct, Nov, Dec 1964; Jan 1965, pp 57-64, 81-90, 70-76, 73-81.
Thorough discussion and analysis of linear and nonlinear FM and discrete code waveforms and their ambiguity functions. Reprint Paper No. 7 in Source. - Bogotch, S.E. and Cook, C.E., "The Effect of Limiting on the Detectability of Partially Time Coincident Pulse Compression Signals," IEEE Trans M/L-9, No 1, Jan 1965, pp 17-24.
Theory and experimental results on suppression of small signals by overlap of expanded pulse from large, adjacent signal which would be resolvable except for receiver limiting. Reprint Paper No. 8 in Source. - Peebles, P.Z. and Stevens, G.H., "A Technique for the Generation of Highly Linear FM Pulse Radar Signals," IEEE Trans M/L-9, No 1, Jan 1965, pp 32-38.
A method is described for generating a staircase FM waveform, closely approximating linear sweep with very high accuracy. - Rihaczek, A.W., "Radar Signal Design for Target Resolution," Proc IEEE 53, No 2, Feb 1965, pp 116-128.
Relationships between resolution and measurement uncertainty are explored for different signals and clutter environments. - Rihaczek, A.W., "Range Accuracy of Chirp Signals," Proc IEEE 53, No 4, Apr 1965, pp 412-13.
It is shown that the diagonal ambiguity of chirp signals does not lead to range uncertainty on targets of unknown Doppler if the range reading is interpreted as applying at a time displaced from the actual echo time. Reprint Paper No. 9 in Source. - Jacob, J.S., "Graphical Comparison of a Doppler-Shift Advantage for Three Pulse-Compression Techniques," Proc 9th Natl Conv on Military Electr, IELE, Wash, D.C., 1965, pp 382-387.
Degradation in SNR with Doppler shift is compared for three waveforms, and linear FM is shown to be affected less than phase-coded or frequency-stepped waveforms. - Ward, M.X., ''Matched Scan Rate Pulse-Compression Analysis," Proc IEEE 54, No 4, Apr 1966, pp 707-708.
Derives output waveform for compression filter with arbitrary impulse response duration, showing approach to (sin x)/x shape for long durations. - Rihaczek, A.W., "Doppler-Tolerant Signal Waveforms," Proc IEEE 54, No 6, Jun 1966, pp 849-857.
Discussion of non-linear FM modulations and pulse trains for which Doppler distortions can be ignored. - Hollis, E.E., "Comparison of Combined Barker Codes for Coded Radar Use," IEEE Trans AES-3, No 1, Jan 1967, pp 141-143.
Sidelobe levels are determined for sequences of four 13-bit Barker Codes and thirteen 4-bit codes, showing maximum amplitude 13/52 times main lobe. - Lipman, M.A. "A Useful Property of the Generalized Chirp Signal Ambiguity Function," Proc IEEE 55, No 7, Jul 1967, pp 1241-1242.
Ambiguity function generalized to include mismatched sweep rate as well as delay and Doppler shift. - Cook, C.E. and Bernfeld, M. Radar Signals, New York: Academic Press, 1967.
Basic text on pulse compression principles and implementation. - Kibbler, G.O.T.H., "The CLFM: a Method of Generating Linear Frequency-Coded Radar Pulses," IEEE Trans AES-4, No 3, May 68, pp 385-391.
Describes coherent linear frequency modulator used in active generation of chirp signals and in conversion of received signals to constant frequency. - Mitchell, R.L. and Rihaczek, A.W., "Matched-Filter Responses of the Linear FM Waveform," IEEE Trans AES-4, No 3, May 1968, pp 417-432.
Equations and three-dimensional plots of ambiguity functions with and without weighting and mismatch. - Rihaczek, A.W., and Mitchell, R.L., "Design of Zigzag FM Signals," IEEE Tram AES-4, No 5, Sep 1968, pp 680-692.
Presents three-dimensional plots of ambiguity functions of simple and multiple-segment zigzag FM waveforms. - Haggarty, R.D., Hart, L.A. and O'Leary, G.C, "A 10.000 to 1 Pulse Compression Filter Using a Tapped Delay Line Linear Filter Synthesis Technique," IEEE EASCON Rec, 1968, pp 306-314.
Synthesis procedure and experimental results on delay-line filters for large time-bandwidth product pulse compression and other applications. Reprint Paper No. 10 in Source. - Belknap, D.J., "An Experimental Measurement of the Detection Capability of a Linear FM Pulse Compression System," IEEE EASCON Rec, 1968, pp 315-318.
Detection performance of 1000:1 pulse compression system is compared with ideal matched filter and with Doppler filter bank. Results are within a fraction of a dB of the matched filter. - Ruttenberg, K. and Chanzit, L., "High Range Resolution by Means of Pulse-To-Pulse Frequency Shifting," IEEE EASCON Record, 1968, pp 47-51.
Method of obtaining resolution in system using agile magnetron rather than intrapulse FM. Reprint Paper No. 11 in Source. - Leith, E.N., "Optical Processing Techniques for Simultaneous Pulse Compression and Beamsharpening," IEEE Trans AES-4, No 6, Nov 1968, pp 879-885.
Combined processing for synthetic aperture resolution and pulse compression, using two-dimensional optical filter. - Bechtel, M.E., "Generalized Paired-Echo Analysis for Band-pass Systems," Proc IEEE 57, No 2, Feb 1969, pp 204-205.
Description of phase and amplitude distortion terms in bandpass systems in terms of advanced and delayed replicas of ideal signal. - Palmieri, C.A. and Cook, C.E., "The Ambiguity Properties of Multiple-Segment Linear FM Signals," Proc IEEE 57, No 7, Jul 1969, pp 1323-1325.
Approximate analysis of mainlobe and near-sidelobe response of multiple-segment FM waveforms. - Vannicola, V.C., "Range Dependent Waveform of an Active Weighted Pulse Compression Receiver," IEEE Trans AES-5, No 5, Sep 1969, pp 847-864.
Output waveforms for pulse compression systems in which the signal is time weighted by a function not exactly centered on the received signal. Reprint Paper No. 12 in Source. - Nathanson, F.E., Radar Design Principles, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1969.
Text covering radar clutter and resolution requirements, with chapters devoted to phase coding and to linear-FM processing techniques. - Rihaczek, A.W., Principles of High-Resolution Radar, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969.
Basic text on waveform design and results in resolution, detection and measurement in clutter. - Campbell, B.D., "High-Resolution, Radar Coherent Linear FM Microwave Source," IEEE Trans AES-6, No 1, Jan 1970, pp 62-72.
Design of BWO generator for 16 Hz FM Sweep at S-band. - Millett, R.E., "A Matched-Filter Pulse-Compression System Using a Nonlinear FM Waveform," IEEE Trans AES-6, No 1, Jan 1970, pp 73-78.
Design and test data on low-sidelobe pulse compression waveform having 0.1 dB mismatch loss. Reprint Paper No 13 in Source. - Cohen, S.A., "Generalized Response of a Linear FM Pulse Compression Matched Filter," IEEE Trans AES-6, No 5, Sep 1970, pp 708-712.
Curves are derived which show losses in peak output caused by mismatch of pulse width, sweep rate and center frequency. - Caputi, W.J., Jr., "Stretch: A Time-Transformation Technique," IEEE Trans AES-7, No 2, Mar 1971, pp 269-278.
Technique for very high resolution with relatively simple processor covering a limited range window. Reprint Paper No. 14 in Source. - Hartt, J.K. and Sheats, L.F., "Application of Pipeline FFT Technology in Radar Signal and Data Processing," IEEE EASCON Record 1971, pp 216-221.
Pipeline FFT processors for pulse compression and Doppler filtering are described. Reprint Paper No. 15 in Source. - Halpern, H.M. and Perry, R.P. "Digital Matched Fitters Using Fast Fourier Transforms," IEEE EASCON Record 1971, pp 222-230.
A 10-MHz bandwidth digital filter, suitable for high-resolution pulse compression, is described. Effects of different word lengths for signal and reference waveforms are explored by simulation. Reprint Paper No. 16 in Source. - Woerrlein, N.H., "Spurious Target Generation Due to Hard Limiting in Pulse Compression Radars," IEEE Trans AES-7, No 6, Nov 1971, pp 1170-1178.
Method and results for calculating spurious outputs caused by hard limiting of three overlapping signals, using phase-coded waveform. - Rihaczek, A.W., "Radar Waveform Selection-A Simplified Approach," IEEE Trans AES-7, No 6, Nov 1971, pp 1078-1086.
Waveforms are divided into four classes, each with distinct resolution properties, permitting a systematic approach to waveform selection. Reprint Paper No 17 in Source. - Jones, W.S., Kempf, R.A. and Hartmann, C.S., "Practical Surface Wave Chirp Fillers for Modern Radar Systems," Microwave Journal, May 1972.
Design, application and performance of surface acoustic wave filters for 8 MHz x 12.5 usec and 2 MHz x 25 usec pulse compression. Reprint Paper No 18 in Source. - Ackroyd, M.H. and Ghani, F., "Optimum Mismatched Filters for Sidelobe Suppression," IEEE Trans AES-9, No 2, Mar 1973, pp 214-218.
At some expense in complexity and small loss in SNR, time sidelobes can he reduced without amplitude weighting on transmit. - Powell, Т.Н., Jr. and Sinsky, A.I., "A Time Sidelobe Reduction Technique for Small Time-Bandwidth Chirp," IEEE Trans AES-10, No 3, May 1974, pp 390-392.
Digital filter design to compensate for effect of Fresnel ripples in spectrum of chirp signal. - Hollan, M.G. and Claiborne, L.T., "Practical Surface Acoustic Wave Devices," Proc IEEE 62, No 5, May 1974, pp 582-611.
Tutorial discussion of SAW devices and their application, with extensive bibliography. - Fitzgerald, R.J., "Effects of Range-Doppler Coupling on Chirp Radar Tracking Accuracy," IEEE Trans AES-10, No 4, Jul 1974, pp 528-532.
Describes interaction of chirp range-Doppler coupling with truncation error of GHK filler, such that positive chirp slope leads to reduced error of filtered data. - Caputi, W.J., "Stabilized Linear FM Generator," IEEE Trans, AES-9, No 5, Sep 1973, pp 570-578.
Closed-loop technique for controlling slope of linear frequency sweep generator, as applied to 240 MHz x 120 usec active pulse-compression waveform generator.
Source: Radars. Vol 3. Pulse Compression. By David K. Barton. Dedham: Artech House, Inc., 1975.