Saturday, November 27, 2010

Multifunction Phased-Array Radar: Time Balance Scheduler for Adaptive Weather Sensing

Ricardo Reinoso-Rondinel, Tian-You Yu, and Sebastián Torres, 2010: Multifunction Phased-Array Radar: Time Balance Scheduler for Adaptive Weather Sensing. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 27, 1854–1867. doi:

Abstract. Phased-array radars (PARs) have the capability of instantaneously and dynamically controlling beam position on a pulse-by-pulse basis, which allows a single radar to perform multiple functions, such as tracking multiple storms or weather and aviation surveillance. Moreover, these tasks can be carried out with different update times to achieve the goal of better characterizing and forecasting the storms of interest. However, these tasks usually compete for finite radar resources, and scheduling algorithms are often needed to address resource contention. To capitalize on the PAR capabilities, an algorithm based on the concept of time balance (TB) is developed for adaptive weather sensing. Two quality measures are introduced to quantify the gain of adaptive sensing relative to standard scanning patterns used by the Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D). A simulation experiment is performed to demonstrate the advantages of adaptive sensing and to test and verify the performance of the TB scheduling algorithm. It is shown that the gain of adaptive sensing can be realized by the TB scheduler; that is, storms of interest can be revisited more frequently within a relatively short period time compared to conventional scanning.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Radio Wave Propagation in the Marine Boundary Layer

Radio Wave Propagation in the Marine Boundary Layer by Alexander Kukushkin

Based on his many years of professional experience at leading companies in communications technology, the author describes an analytical solution for wave propagation over the sea surface in an atmospheric boundary layer. His approach allows the detailed analysis of combined effects of diffraction, refraction and scattering in random media. While specific applications covered are targeted at radio wave propagation over the sea surface, a similar approach is applicable to many problems in underwater acoustics, seismology, solid matter physics and astrophysics. - Amazon

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Type 968 mast head surveillance radar for the SEAWOLF missile system
Type 968 mast head surveillance radar for the SEAWOLF missile system

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Russia Upgrades Air Defenses

By Maxim Pyadushkin, Moscow

The Russian air force took delivery of the first Pantsyr-S short-range air-defense systems in March. The Pantsyrs will gradually replace the old Tunguska antiaircraft weapons. The first 10 systems were released from KBP Instrument Design Bureau’s assembly site in Tula and transported to Alabino, near Moscow, and will be part of the Victory Day parade in Red Square on May 9.

Pantsir-S (photo

What’s unusual is that the first Pantsyr systems are being deployed to protect high-end surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) against aircraft, missiles and bombs.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Range-Doppler Imaging of Rotating Objects

Walker, Jack L., "Range-Doppler Imaging of Rotating Objects," Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on , vol.AES-16, no.1, pp.23,52, Jan. 1980
doi: 10.1109/TAES.1980.308875

Abstract: During the integration time required to obtain fine Dopplerfrequency resolution in a range-Doppler imaging radar, a point on a rotating object may move through several range and Doppler resolution cells and produce a smeared image. This motion can be compensated by storing the appropriately processed return pulse, and the angular coordinates are determined by the angular coordinates of the radar antenna. The resulting stored data represents the three-dimensional Fourier transform of the object reflectivity density, and hence can be processed by an inverse Fourier transformation. Also included is an analysis of the three-dimensional radar/object geometry with separate source and receiver locations. The effects of various system aberrations are investigated and experimental results from a microwave test range which demonstrate the image improvement are presented.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Antenna Effects in Depolarization Measurements

Blanchard, A.J.; Jean, Buford Randall, "Antenna Effects in Depolarization Measurements," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.GE-21, no.1, pp.113,117, Jan. 1983, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.1983.350537

Abstract: The depolarization of electromagnetic energy scattered from natural terrain has been of interest to experimenters and theoreticians for many years. However, the reported measurements have not agreed with theoreticaly predicted results. Boresight axial ratio has commonly been used as a figure of merit to describe the polarization isolation properties of the measurement system antennas. Since depolarization measurements from terrain involve extended targets which fill the full antenna beam, boresight axial ratio is often an inadequate measure of antenna polarization purity. This paper describes antenna isolation characteristics which impact the quality of the depolarized measurements. Representative calculations demonstrate the effects of nonideal antenna systems on the observed measurements. A criterion for antenna specification is given which will provide high-quality cross-polarized measurements.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Характеристики зенитного комплекса "Панцирь-С"

ВВС России приняли на вооружение первые десять зенитных ракетно-пушечных комплексов "Панцирь-С", сообщил РИА Новости пресс-секретарь управления пресс-службы и информации Минобороны РФ по ВВС подполковник Владимир Дрик.

ЗРПК "Панцирь-С" (Pantsir-S) RIA Novosti

Комплекс был создан в 1994 году и впервые продемонстрирован на авиасалоне в Москве "МАКС-1995". С того времени комплекс был значительно модернизирован, последняя известная модификация демонстрировалась на "МАКС-2007". Предполагается, что в будущем "Панцирь-С" полностью заменит в российской армии ЗРПК "Тунгуска".

Зенитный ракетно-пушечный комплекс "Панцирь-С" предназначен для противовоздушной обороны малоразмерных военных и административно-промышленных объектов и районов от самолетов, вертолетов, крылатых ракет и высокоточного оружия, а также для усиления группировок ПВО при отражении массированных ударов с воздуха.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

LONGBOW LLC Awarded $86 Million to Support and Sustain U.K. Apache Attack Helicopters

ORLANDO, FL, February 22nd, 2010 — The LONGBOW Limited Liability Company, a joint venture of Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, was recently awarded an $86 million contract from AgustaWestland to support LONGBOW FCR systems on the United Kingdom Apache AH Mk-1 aircraft.

United Kingdom Apache AH Mk-1

“The LONGBOW FCR is an essential element of U.K. Apache operations in Afghanistan,” said Jerry Garman, LONGBOW LLC president and director of LONGBOW programs at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. “Through this partnership with AgustaWestland, we will ensure the highest operational availability and system reliability at the lowest sustainment cost”.

The four-year contract includes engineering services, integrated logistics and an in-country repair capability. Support services will continue through March 2014, and will be performed at Wattisham Airfield in the U.K.; Lockheed Martin facilities in Ocala and Orlando, FL; and Northrop Grumman facilities in Baltimore, MD.

The contract is a component of the integrated operational support provided by AgustaWestland to the Ministry of Defence. A formal signing ceremony at the U.K. Apache main operating base at Wattisham Airfield in October marked the launch of this effort.

For more than a decade, the LONGBOW FCR has provided Apache aircrews with target detection, location, classification and prioritization. In all weather, over multiple terrains and through any battlefield obscurant, the radar allows automatic and rapid multi-target engagement. The LONGBOW FCR integrates with the M299 smart launcher and the LONGBOW HELLFIRE missile, enhancing the Apache’s lethality fourfold and increasing survivability sevenfold.

Northrop Grumman Corporation is a global defense and technology company whose 120,000 employees provide innovative systems, products and solutions in information and services, electronics, aerospace and shipbuilding to government and commercial customers worldwide.

Source: Lockheed Martin

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Диагноз российской ПВО

В последние дни из различных источников как в Москве, так и Вашингтоне косяком пошли сообщения о том, что новый договор о стратегических наступательных вооружениях на 95% готов и нынешней весной его обязательно подпишут. Говорят также, что Россия уступила по телеметрии (она будет и дальше), а США - по инспекции в Воткинске (ее не возобновят). При этом неизвестно, как решится принципиальнейший вопрос с зачетом боевых частей (БЧ). И, наоборот, вполне очевидно, что проблему противоракетной обороны выведут за рамки договора.

Забыли о важнейшей проблеме

Подробное обсуждение аспектов нового документа о СНВ пока невозможно, он же еще не подписан. Но несколько вещей принципиального характера ясны изначально. Если забыть о глупостях с "оперативно развернутыми" носителями и БЧ, Соединенные Штаты сегодня имеют около 900 носителей (не считая 70 бомбардировщиков В-1В, которые якобы переориентированы на решение неядерных нестратегических задач) и 5,7 тыс. боевых частей.

Последняя цифра верна, если каждый бомбардировщик В-2 считать за одну БЧ и поверить, что на 100 из 450 межконтинентальных баллистических ракет "Минитмен-3" стоит одна БЧ. Но если предположить, что не все "Минитмены" оснащены тремя БЧ, то получается 5,9 тыс. боевых частей.

У России же на 1 июля 2009 года оставалось 608 носителей с 2683 БЧ. Напомню, что на 1 января 2000 года, когда в Кремль въехал Владимир Путин, в составе стратегических ядерных сил РФ насчитывалось 1165 носителей с 5842 боевыми частями. Так что "возрождение мощи" армии и флота родной державы, а также ее "подъем с колен" даром не прошли.

Парадокс в том, что в течение первого десятилетия ХХI века американцы не производили никаких стратегических вооружений. А у нас их выпуск не останавливался никогда - ни в 1990-е, ни в нулевые годы. При этом, однако, в конце девяностых налицо был вполне реальный паритет, теперь же по носителям у США полуторное превосходство и по боевым частям - более чем двойное.